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raccoon2.jpg (60031 bytes)

LynnandJimatTI.jpg (27263 bytes)

Aside from work and gymnastics, I also love to take photos of animals and see Mystere as often as possible.

Working in Mystere is my "dream job".  You get paid to jump on trampoline and tumble trak and you have your own physical therapist to repair the damage.  Perfect!

For all these thumbnails, you can click on each one to see a larger version.

PolarBear2.jpg (14427 bytes)

PolarBear3.jpg (17473 bytes)

PolarBear4.jpg (15286 bytes)


Jim, Lynn and Bela  Jim, Masako, Lynn and Bela




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And now for more annoying ads from Tripod (which are obviously tailored to my website and keywords because I noticed there are leotard ads and Achilles' tendon exercise ads):