
We got a new digital video camera to use at the gym.  I thought it would be fun to take some video and photos while I was rehabilitating my shoulder injury.  So I created this page as a spot to put pictures of us testing out our new camera.

Click on each photo if you wish to see a larger version.

 Here is one of my first round off back tucks after my three month rehabilitation.   Everything feels the same except for a new pain (shoulder).  (December 1)
Back Tuck on the Tumble Trak
Got my front layout back on December 15.
Front Layout


The next five shots are an action sequence of my layout full twist (second one since my injury).  I see my form still needs improving too.   (This digital camera is so cool!).   (December 8)
Take off for layout full  Full Twist  Full Twist  Full Twist  Full Twist


Front Handspring - Front sequence.   A little low, but I have time to fix it.
This is where my shoulder says "ouch"   Take off for Front Tuck   Start of Front Tuck   Low Front Tuck


February 11, 2003.  Double back sequence at CCGC.  Great trampoline!!

dblback1.jpg (11860 bytes) dblback2.jpg (9806 bytes) dblback3.jpg (9213 bytes) dblback4.jpg (14886 bytes) dblback5.jpg (10649 bytes) dblback6.jpg (12476 bytes)

Here's a double back from USGTC's trampoline (Not quite as bouncy but still a good trampoline)



 My handstand is finally getting straighter!   

(This has been a lot of work since the injury).

Here is a sequence of my full twisting double back flip (full-in) taken on May 6, 2003
 Full in - take off  Full in - first rotation  Full in - finishing first rotation  Full-in second rotation

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And now for more annoying ads from Tripod (which are obviously tailored to my website and keywords because I noticed there are leotard ads and Achilles' tendon exercise ads):